My approach to photography…
My goal for photography is to simply capture the emotion that was filling that specific scene. No, not every picture I take is perfect. Framing might be slightly off. Composition may seem a little messy. However, any scene that stirs something in me, makes me want to capture in a still. Does a subject’s emotion pop off the picture? Does a scene “pull” you into the scene?
Jessie & Oso | June 2021
This is one of my favorite shots. This shot was taken in the midsts of the pandemic. What I love about this photo is how you can pull so much information about her life from a single photo. The dog. The mask. The wedding ring. That time was really hectic for her as so many things coalesced at the same time. She had just graduated from UCLA (this bench was her favorite spot to take a nap on campus) and the world was ravaged by a pandemic. Her puppy, Oso, still being trained with treats, stares straight into frame with all of his innocent shagginess. Her wedding ring shines out of the shadow made by her hand. There is just so much going on in the picture like the moment in time it was taken; stress, triumph, happiness, exhaustion, rest, patience.
Jo and Isaac
Columns, lines, and depth. Each wall, floor, and ceiling just keep going. Like the infinite lines that repeat forever when two mirrors are faced toward one another, the background almost begins to fuse behind our subjects, Jo and Isaac, as they walk away from a background that just wants to pull things in.
Sometimes photography does not need to be complicated. It’s subject and background. Linda is running through a Los Angeles neighborhood with not a care in the world. Palm trees tower over her and their leaves lead straight back into her. Sometimes just running to your own cadence is what you need.
Rivers Recording | September 2021
Sometimes “bad” photos can be some of your favorites. Exposure is working really hard and the stage is a mess. But sometimes that is the magic of photography. Your shot isn’t always perfectly composed but there are attributes about it that still draw you in. I love the chaos of the shot and its busyness. Shadows are strewn about like wires. Everyone has a silhouette effect from a single bank of lights. Everyone is just exposed in front of the darkness.